...Lanka are expected to join very soon.</p><p> The platform hopes to reach 50 countries in the next five to seven years, providing medicines for approximately 120,000 children.</p> .
An Indiana family says CincinnatiChildren's won't put their 12-year-old daughter on its heart transplant waiting list because of her vaccination status ...Does Cincinnati Children's require vaccinations for transplants?.
The campaign aims to educate children, teenagers, and adults about the dangers of social media and the Internet while providing tools to combat them ... one for children between the ages of 9 to 12, another for teenagers, and lastly, one for adults.
This initiative was part of the ISEA (Information SecurityEducation and Awareness) project, aimed at sensitizing children about the role of the internet in our daily lives, safe internet usage, ...
Almost two thirds of children have rotten teeth in some parts of England, official data revealed today ...Without treatment, children also risk developing holes in their teeth or losing teeth.
The brigade is conducting similar activities across schools as part of a multipronged approach to raise safety awareness and protect children in Taichung, it said ...Children experiencing post-vacation ...
Across England, schools are running food banks to help the children and their families ... Many of the schools and nurseries that we visited as part of our research initially set up the food bank in response to the COVID pandemic.
Supporting Life-Changing Care Through GeorgeMarkChildren's Home. Another major part of Litvin's philanthropy includes a $25,000 donation to George Mark Children's Home ... George Mark Children's Home ...
We join you in prayer that you fulfill your vow of ‘till death do us part,’ not only for yourselves but, more importantly, for your children,” he said.
Algorithms are a powerful part of the digital world, and it important that children and young people are equipped with the critical thinking skills to be able to navigate them safely and responsibly.
Chinese audience have long embraced singer Zhou Shen's pop song "LittleBliss," but hearing it performed in crisp, angelic voices by a group of foreign children made the moment even more touching.
But anti-fluoride activists have for decades argued it's toxic, and they point to recent research that found an association between higher levels of fluoride and neurodevelopmental issues in children as unshakable proof.
“We thank the investigators and prosecutors involved and send the message that we will only increase our combined efforts to keep the children of Northeastern Pennsylvania safe.”.